"A Message of Pride and Encouragement"
Dear Fathers, Staff, Parents, and Students,
St. Eugene School, Boda, is immensely proud to present another edition of our esteemed school magazine. This milestone coincides with a significant achievement – the commencement of higher secondary education, a step forward aligned with the progressive vision of the New Education Policy 2020.
Each step taken by our school, though seemingly small, contributes significantly to shaping the future of our society. Through creative endeavors like writing, drawing, composing poems, and crafting articles, students are encouraged to express their unique perspectives and hone their communication skills. We envision a future where our students, inspired by their creative journey, become accomplished authors, contributing their insightful thoughts and observations to the world through blogs, articles, and even books.
Just as Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people," this magazine truly reflects the spirit of our students. Despite the demanding academic schedule, juggling sports, competitions, and examinations, our students have diligently invested their time and talent to bring this publication to life. You should be immensely proud of your hard work and the creative expression showcased within these pages.
In today's digital age, it's crucial to cultivate a love for reading beyond textbooks. By immersing yourselves in the world of books, newspapers, and magazines, you expand your knowledge horizons and develop critical thinking skills. Resist the allure of excessive screen time and prioritize reading – it will undoubtedly shape your future in profound ways.
Wishing you all the very best.